Коды на Tropico 3

06.11.2022 @Strannik 1421

Tropico 3 cheat codes:
No console, just type these in as you play:
trabajono - Unlock all missions (being the demo it just displays all
the missions on the campaign map.
speedygonzales - Instant construction
iamthestate - No prerequisites for edicts.
elpollodiablo - Instant win.
muchopesos - Gain 100000 dollars.
whiskey - +20 to relations with the US.
nowhiskey - -20 to relations with the US.
vodka - +20 to relations with the USSR.
novodka - -20 to relations with the USSR.
twoheadedllama - Raises tourism rating to 100.
pachangasi - Raises happiness values of all Tropicans with 10.
dinggratz - Max. all workers' experience & students graduate instantly
cheguevara - Triggers a Rebel attack on a building.
downwiththetyrant- Triggers a Rebel attack on the Palace.
generalpenultimo - Triggers a Military Coup.
civilwar - Trigger Uprising.
vivala0 - Trigger Random Submersive Activity.
vivala1 - Trigger Assassination Attempt.
vivala2 - Trigger Hostage Crisis.
vivala3 - Trigger Bomb Threat.
vivala4 - Trigger Worker Strike.
vivala5 - Trigger Media Occcupation.