Коды на Triple Play 2002
06.11.2022 @Strannik 1108
Triple Play 2002 cheat codes:
Big glove:
Catch a ball that is going over the fence. Alternately,
make a diving catch.
Huge glove:
Make two diving catches in a single game.
Pulsating glove:
Make two three diving catches in a single game.
Big bat:
Hit two homeruns in a row.
Big baseball:
Throw six strikeouts in a row.
Huge baseball:
Throw nine strikeouts in a row.
Flaming baseball:
Throw twelve strikeouts in a row.
Small players:
Get more than eleven hits in a single game.
Fast players:
Steal three bases with the same player in a single game.
Power-up defense:
Make three double plays in a single game.
Big League Challenge power boost:
Hit ten consecutive homeruns in Big League Challenge to get
a boost in power, which is noted with a flaming baseball..
With seven more consecutive homeruns, you will receive
another boost in power, which is noted by a pulsating bat.
Points list:
The game awards points for doing certain things in season
mode. These points can be used in the season store to buy
new stadiums, legendary players and better player attributes.
The point system is as follows:
Event Points
Grand slam 400
Homerun 300
Triple play 500
Double play 300
Stolen base 200
Triples 300
Doubles 200
Strike out opponent 200
RBIs 100
Win 100
Note: Four or more homeruns cap out at 1000 points