Коды на Halo (PC)

06.11.2022 @Strannik 2630

Camera Control Mode

w- forward
s- back
a-strafe left
d- strafe right
r- move up
f- move down
mouse- look/turn
scrollwheel up/down- adjust camera movement speed

debug_camera_save - saves the current location of the camera;
used in conjunction with the next command

debug_camera_load - this sends the camera to the location that debug_camera_save was used, seperating the camera from the player

camera_control 0 - Returns the camera to first person mode

cheat_teleport_to_camera - Makes the Master Chief teleport to the camera's position, and then gravity will take effect, so don't go too high

Поделиться публикацией

Издатель: Microsoft Game Studios

Разработчик: Bungie Software

Платформы: PC, Xbox

Жанры: Shooter